Using the UDeploy Web Site
Navigating the UDeploy web site
The help files at this web site, are for the most part, simple HTML web pages that should work in any web browser. Therefore, you can navigate:
- by following the links in each document,
- by using your web browser’s Back and Forward buttons,
- and by using your web browser’s History or Go menu.
Instructions for connecting to UD’s network.
Select the appropriate link for instructions on connecting to the University’s network.
- On-campus Wireless & Wired Network Connections
- Off-campus Connections Using Another ISP
(Comcast: Cable, Verizon: DSL, FIOS; AT&T, etc.)
- The Software section of the UDeploy web site includes the files you’ll transfer to your computer to install UD-licensed software.
- Most computers already have software that will let you do basic work on the Internet. Therefore, install our software if it is a newer version than what is currently installed on your computer or if you need it to perform specific tasks on the network. As newer versions of software the University has licensed for student use become available, they will be made available at the UDeploy web site.
- Some commercial software products, e.g., ArcGis, Matlab, Mathematica, Maple, may be installed to use a network license. When using these applications from off-campus, you need to grant your off-campus internet address access to the UD license server using the web service. Visit the license authorization documentation page for more details.
Additional assistance
If you need assistance configuring your computer, see the Support Center web site or contact us at (302) 831-6000 or