University of Delaware students, faculty, and staff can download software licensed for their use from UDeploy.

Mathematica for Faculty and Staff

The University of Delaware has purchased an unlimited site license from Wolfram Research to allow a copy of Mathematica to be placed on all current faculty, staff and student computers at the University of Delaware.
  • For Personally Owned Computers: When you leave the University, you must remove your copy of the software from your personally owned computer, or replace it with Wolfram Research's commercial version. If you have questions about your eligibility for this program, contact the IT Support Center at 831-6000.
  • For UD-owned computers, you may install a network or stand-alone copy of Mathematica. Use the appropriate download for each and follow the corresponding installation documentation. We recommend a network licensed installation for desktop and lab computers on the UD campus network and a stand-alone installation for laptops.
  • Please check platform availability before downloading.

The current version of Mathematica is 14.2.0

IMPORTANT NOTE: Starting with Version 14.1, Mathematica and all other Wolfram products are all accessed through the new unified application, Wolfram, which is the application you will receive in any one of the downloads on the right. The Wolfram application was created to ensure a simplified installer for all supported products. The way you get a license for the products you already have will remain the same, it's just that the application that you run will now be Wolfram. It will still be activated with whatever product license(s) you had previously/get now. See this article on Wolfram's Community site for details.

Installation documentation

Wolfram's Documentation on Installing Mathematica.
  • For a UD-owned machine network license installation (Windows, Mac, Linux):
    1. DO NOT enter an activation key, instead select "Other ways to activate"
    2. Click on "Connect to a network license server"
    3. Use for the server name of the computer running the MathLM license manager.
  • For a UD-owned machine standalone install, after installation enter:
    1. Your name
    2. The name of the organization exactly as follows: University of Delaware
    3. Password: Use the activation code listed with the download.
Please see below for updating the Mathematica password, shown on the download page.
  • For non-UD-owned (personally owned) computers:
    1. You must submit a home-use Mathematica license request form while connected to the UD campus network.  See information below on your URL Listing.
    2. Type L2817-2987 for your organization's site license number.
    3. Select A new home-use license, then click Continue.
    4. Type the information requested for License Details indicating how you would like to receive your copy of Mathematica, for what platform, and whether you want to receive a download for Wolfram Workbench.
    5. Click Continue.
    6. Type the information requested for Contact Information, Work Address, Home Address and Proof of Eligibility.
  •  To obtain your URL listing from the UD Online Directory for Proof of Eligibility by following these steps
    1. Go to UD People Search.
    2. Type in enough information to find and select your listing, Cut and paste the URL into the field provided.
    3. Your URL should look something like this:
  • If you are not listed in the UD Online Directory under Staff/Faculty, contact your departmental HR liaison to have this corrected.  The listing must be correct in order to allow you to request a home-use Mathematica license.

Reactivating Mathematica

Machines using UD Network licenses will automatically reactivate. For faculty-staff stand alone installs, please reactivate using the password (license code) displayed on the downloads page as follows:
  1. Open Mathematica then a open new document
  2. Under the Help menu, select Enter Activation Key
  3. When the dialog window opens, select Other ways to Register
  4. Select Manual Registration
  5. Enter the license from the download page (XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXX) in the password field
  6. Close Mathematica
  7. Re-open Mathematica and check the license status.
    • Help -> System Information -> System Information.
    •  The new license expiration date should be shown.